Privacy Policy

The website (hereinafter referred to as the website) is operated by MTÜ Balti Uudismeedia Väljaandjate Ühing (Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation). Contacts are provided below in these terms of Privacy Policy.

1. General principles

1.1. These terms of Privacy Policy describe how and for what purposes the Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation uses the data collected and accumulated about visits to the website and its visitors. These terms of Privacy Policy describe how and for what purposes the Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation, as the data controller, processes the personal data. Personal data is information about an identified or identifiable natural person.
1.2. We kindly ask for the visitor of the website to read these terms of Privacy Policy carefully and access them thoroughly. If the visitor of the website does not understand or does not agree in whole or in part with the terms of Privacy Policy, please do not continue using the website. By using the website, the visitor of the website fully agrees with these terms of Privacy Policy and gives to the Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation an explicit consent to the processing of their personal data in the manner and at the extent described in these terms of Privacy Policy.
1.3. For the Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation, the security of the visitors of the website is important.
1.4. Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation proceeds from the rights, interests and freedoms of the data subject as much as possible when processing personal data. The objective of the Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation is to process personal data responsibly and follow the best practices. Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation proceeds from the principles of legality, fairness, transparency, purposefulness, quality, accuracy, reliability, confidentiality, compliance with technical criteria and storage restrictions when processing personal data. Personal data is processed only in accordance with the legislative acts in force in the Republic of Estonia.
1.5. If the visitor of the website submits their personal data to Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation, the Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation will take all reasonable and effective measures to protect the personal data of the visitor of the website.
1.6. Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation reserves the right to modify these terms of Privacy Policy at any time by publishing the new version of the terms of Privacy Policy on the website. Upgraded version of the terms of Privacy Policy enters into force from the date cited in the particular version.

2. Procedure for processing the personal data

2.1. Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation processes personal data on the basis of the consent obtained from the data subject or by law. “Processing of personal data” means any action performed with the personal data of the data subject, including collection, saving, arranging, storage, modification, disclosure, enabling access, performing queries, making abstracts, use, transfer, cross-use, connecting, closure, deletion and destruction.
2.2. Personal data of the visitor of the website are processed only with the prior consent of the visitor of the website, unless for practical reasons it would not be possible to request prior consent and if the processing of personal data is permitted in accordance with the legislative acts in force in the Republic of Estonia.
2.3. Personal data is processed in electronic format, exceptionally extracts that are also made in other formats.
2.4. Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation processes the following personal data of the visitors of the website:
2.4.1. Personal data that the visitor discloses in connection with the representation of a press publisher who is a legal entity (whereas the representative has the right to represent the legal entity either by law or by virtue of a power of attorney) and that is collected and stored for the purpose of identifying the representative of a press publisher who has entered into a membership or representation agreement with the Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation (to the extent required by the duty of care), in particular (i) the first and last name, (ii) the e-mail address, and (iii) the personal identification number or date of birth of the representative of the press publisher; and
2.4.2. Personal data that the visitor of the website additionally submits to the Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation.
2.5. Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation may process the personal data of the visitors of the website for the following purposes:
2.5.1. for entering into a membership or representation agreement with the press publisher and for the prior negotiations;
2.5.2. to send by e-mail or any other means notices, news and any other information of such content related to the Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation, as well as to inform about any changes in the legal status of the member or the represented;
2.5.3. to inform the press publisher of the distribution and payment of the fees collected; and
2.5.4. for any other purpose necessary for the collective exercise of the rights of the press publisher and/or the promotion and protection of his interests and rights by the Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation.
2.6. When the Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation considers it necessary to disclose the personal data of the visitors of the website to some of its cooperation partners (for example, accounting service providers, marketing, advertising or ITC partners) or all to them, then the cooperation partners similarly undertake to comply with these terms of Privacy Policy and/or legislative acts in force in the Republic of Estonia.
2.7. Personal data shall be deleted or made inaccessible after (i) the purpose of their processing has expired, unless otherwise provided by the legislative acts in force in the Republic of Estonia, or (ii) the processing of personal data is not permitted by law, violates the principles of personal data processing or deletion of personal data is necessary for the performance of the obligation provided by the controller by the law.
2.8. When the data subject requests the deletion of personal data collected about the data subject, they must express their will to delete their personal data by sending a statement of intent to the Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation by e-mail using the e-mail address Withdrawal of the consent given to the Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation for the processing of the personal data of the visitor of the website shall not affect the legality of the previous processing of personal data.
2.9. In addition to the rights mentioned above in these Terms of Privacy, the visitor of the website shall also have (i) the right to receive information about personal data collected about them, (ii) access the personal data collected about them, (iii) request the transfer of personal data to another service provider, (iv) request the correction of incorrect personal data collected about them, (v) request the restrictions of personal data processing (if such right arises from the legislative acts in force in the Republic of Estonia, (vi) claim damages, (vii) ask the competent supervisory authority for an assessment of the lawfulness of the processing of personal data, and if the processing of personal data is not lawful, then (viii) submit a complaint either to the Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation (to the e-mail address:, to the Data Protection Inspectorate (to the e-mail address: or by phone +372 627 4135) or to the court.
2.10. The Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation also collects certain types of personal data that are not directly related to the person visiting the website, for example this may include collecting the IP addresses of the visitors of the website.

3. Use of cookies

3.1. Cookies are small data files that the website sends to the web browser and/or devices of the visitor of the website and which are automatically saved to the visitor’s device. The Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation uses two types of cookies – i.e. (i) necessary and (ii) functional cookies, some of which are also third-party cookies (such as Google Analytics, which is one of the most common and reliable analytics solutions), as well as other similar technologies (such as device and location information).
3.2. Necessary cookies are essential for the basic functions of the website and without them the website will not function as intended. These types of cookies do not store any personal data.
3.3. Functional cookies help to perform certain functions, such as sharing website content on social media platforms, collecting feedback and other third-party functions.
3.4. Third-party cookies can be managed by the Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation itself or also directly by third parties. Google Analytics cookies can among other for example track how much time visitors of the website spend on the website.
3.5. The Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation also uses cookies in order to learn the general traffic on the website and to improve the user experience to be better and more effective. The Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation may also use other such technologies that collect information about the visits to the website.
3.6. In addition to the above, the activities the users of the platform perform can also be stored on a server that hosts the platform. This data is used for technical purposes to ensure the security and operation of the platform.

4. Contact

4.1. Business name: MTÜ Balti Uudismeedia Väljaandjate Ühing (Baltic Press Publishers’ Collective Management Organisation)
4.2. Registry code: 80642209
4.3. Registered address: Pärnu mnt 67a, 10134 Tallinn, Harju County, Republic of Estonia
4.4. E-mail:

Terms of Privacy Policy were last updated on 18 June 2024.